【Camaya Bali】Bali竹质风小屋,在悬空吊床上入眠!

Bali竹质风小屋,在悬空吊床上入眠!🏝 睁开眼睛就可以一眼望尽漂亮的风景,小屋的每个角落都好上镜!😍😍

说到巴厘岛,漂亮的酒店多不胜数,如果你喜欢脱离人潮的度假,你一定会喜欢这间【Camaya Bali】!他的位置在比较偏僻的区域,整个设计也比较开放,想来个安安静静的享受之旅的话,来这里最适合不过了!这个别墅小屋的一楼是开放式的,二楼则可以封闭,最抢眼的应该是那张悬空吊床了吧!看了就让人好像躺下去!

悬空吊床可以让你晚上躺着看星星,早上躺着看日出,享受至极!别墅还有一个用石头打造的室外浴缸,整体看起来就是融入了大自然的感觉!感觉就像小说故事里的Dream House!✨ 想要来个脱离人潮的放松旅程,又或者是和爱人来个比较隐秘式的度蜜月,把它加入你的choice吧!

Celebrate life every day. It keeps you positive and forward-looking. If we are to enjoy life, we have to do it today - not tomorrow, not next year, not when we retire. So today should always be your best day. But easier said than done right? In the next five posts we’ll be sharing our own ways of how we keep our spirits high on a daily basis, through thick and thin, on sunny and on rainy days. So first off...
REMEMBER WHAT YOU HAVE ACCOMPLISHED... it’s easy to focus so much on the future that we forget how much we have already achieved. Take a second, right now (and really do it) to reflect back and think of three things you have achieved in the past year. It reminds you of what you are capable of. So let your past successes guide you and move you towards even bigger and greater things ♥️
Photo by @anyuta_rai

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Camaya Bali
地址:Desa Padangaji, Amerta Bhuana, Selat, Karangasem Regency, Bali 80862, Indonesia.
电话: +62 821-4446-6600

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